HOW TO REMOVE STAINS FROM YOUR CARPET 1- Add sufficient amount of Al-Emlaq Carpet Cleaner. 2- Scrub the carpet with water until you notice foam. 3- Afterwards, rinse it with fresh water.

HOW TO REMOVE STAINS FROM YOUR CARPET 1- Add sufficient amount of Al-Emlaq Carpet Cleaner. 2- Scrub the carpet with water until you notice foam. 3- Afterwards, rinse it with fresh water.
HOW TO REMOVE YELLOWISH STAINS FROM THE TOILET? 1- Start by applying Al-Emlaq Antiscalant to the yellow spots. 2- Wait for 3-5 minutes. 3- Flush water to have a clean white toilet.
HOW TO RESTORE THE SHINE OF MY SILVERWARE? 1- Add a full teaspoon of Al-Emlaq Super Paste to a wet sponge in order to have very rich foam & pleasant smell. 2- Gently, rub your silverware with the sponge. 3- And finally, rinse it with warm water. Your silverware should now be as shiny as… Continue reading HOW TO RESTORE THE SHINE OF MY SILVERWARE